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   set  data   graph     files  public AdriaClim Indicators | RD and MH | RD-2 Mean River Discharge (EFAS, P05, 1991-2020)    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe UNIBO RD_MH_58db_b31e_6dd4

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL adriaclim_dataset String indicator
attribute NC_GLOBAL adriaclim_model String EFAS
attribute NC_GLOBAL adriaclim_scale String adriatic
attribute NC_GLOBAL adriaclim_timeperiod String monthly
attribute NC_GLOBAL adriaclim_type String climatology
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_file1 String adriaclim_EFAS_indicator_RD2-P05_climatology_hist_monthly_adriatic_1991-2020.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_file2 String adriaclim_EFAS_indicator_RD2-Q1_climatology_hist_monthly_adriatic_1991-2020.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_file3 String adriaclim_EFAS_indicator_RD2-Q2_climatology_hist_monthly_adriatic_1991-2020.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_file4 String adriaclim_EFAS_indicator_RD2-Q3_climatology_hist_monthly_adriatic_1991-2020.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_file5 String adriaclim_EFAS_indicator_RD2-P95_climatology_hist_monthly_adriatic_1991-2020.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_info1 String 5th percentile (P05) of RD2
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_info2 String 25th percentile (Q1) of RD2
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_info3 String 50th percentile (Q2) of RD2
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_info4 String 75th percentile (Q3) of RD2
attribute NC_GLOBAL auxiliary_info5 String 95th percentile (P95) of RD2
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin1_centroid String 43.379112,14.840040
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin1_distribution String Avg 4036, P05 1988, Q1 2876, Q2 3849, Q3 4935, P95 6745,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin1_name String Adriatic Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin1_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon1.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin1_rivers String 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin2_centroid String 44.912257,12.987451
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin2_distribution String Avg 2475, P05 1146, Q1 1693, Q2 2216, Q3 3133, P95 4434,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin2_name String Shallow Northern Adriatic Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin2_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon2.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin2_rivers String 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin3_centroid String 44.060441,14.244517
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin3_distribution String Avg 169, P05 65, Q1 110, Q2 150, Q3 212, P95 329,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin3_name String Northern Adriatic Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin3_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon3.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin3_rivers String 16,17,18,19,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin4_centroid String 42.782794,15.802863
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin4_distribution String Avg 590, P05 231, Q1 373, Q2 542, Q3 738, P95 1129,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin4_name String Central Adriatic Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin4_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon4.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin4_rivers String 10,11,12,13,14,15,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin5_centroid String 41.332801,18.137200
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin5_distribution String Avg 801, P05 340, Q1 524, Q2 726, Q3 1044, P95 1480,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin5_name String Southern Adriatic Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin5_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon5.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin5_rivers String 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,83,84,85,86,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin6_centroid String 44.549283,12.689859
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin6_distribution String Avg 1625, P05 718, Q1 1075, Q2 1463, Q3 2045, P95 2957,
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin6_name String PA3 Emilia-Romagna
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin6_polygon String adriaclim_indicator_RD_MH_polygon6.csv
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin6_rivers String 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL contact String leonardo.aragao at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String UNIBO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL description String Climatology of monthly mean river discharge based on daily river discharge estimated at the river-mouth position. Adriatic Sea sections and Pilot Areas aggregate discharges of all rivers within the respective catchment area.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 19.5689
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 45.8008
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 40.6354
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 19.5689
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 12.1798
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String UNIBO
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String 1991-2020, adriaclim, data, date, discharge, efas, indicators, latitude, longitude, mean, p05, rd-2, rd2, rd2-p05, RD2_P05, river, time, unibo
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 45.8008
attribute NC_GLOBAL river01_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river01_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river01_distribution String Avg 154, P05 62, Q1 102, Q2 136, Q3 189, P95 304,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river01_name String Vjiose
attribute NC_GLOBAL river01_position String 40.635400,19.338800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river02_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river02_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river02_distribution String Avg 85, P05 26.2, Q1 45.2, Q2 66, Q3 104, P95 200,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river02_name String Seman
attribute NC_GLOBAL river02_position String 40.814800,19.365500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river03_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river03_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river03_distribution String Avg 43.5, P05 13.7, Q1 27.1, Q2 38.8, Q3 57, P95 85,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river03_name String Shkumbini
attribute NC_GLOBAL river03_position String 41.033300,19.458100
attribute NC_GLOBAL river04_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river04_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river04_distribution String Avg 23.8, P05 3.5, Q1 13.3, Q2 20.7, Q3 31.7, P95 50,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river04_name String Erzen
attribute NC_GLOBAL river04_position String 41.442300,19.460700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river05_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river05_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river05_distribution String Avg 19.0, P05 4.4, Q1 10.9, Q2 16.5, Q3 25.7, P95 39.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river05_name String Ishm
attribute NC_GLOBAL river05_position String 41.571000,19.540800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river06_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river06_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river06_distribution String Avg 57, P05 22.3, Q1 34.1, Q2 50, Q3 74, P95 111,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river06_name String Mat
attribute NC_GLOBAL river06_position String 41.660600,19.554800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river07_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river07_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river07_distribution String Avg 12.5, P05 2.7, Q1 6.7, Q2 10.9, Q3 16.2, P95 27.3,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river07_name String Drin
attribute NC_GLOBAL river07_position String 41.750100,19.568900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river08_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river08_country String Albania
attribute NC_GLOBAL river08_distribution String Avg 369, P05 142, Q1 221, Q2 329, Q3 485, P95 708,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river08_name String Buna
attribute NC_GLOBAL river08_position String 41.856700,19.404000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river09_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river09_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river09_distribution String Avg 1.2, P05 0.2, Q1 0.6, Q2 0.9, Q3 1.7, P95 2.8,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river09_name String Ombla
attribute NC_GLOBAL river09_position String 42.694400,18.126200
attribute NC_GLOBAL river10_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river10_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river10_distribution String Avg 341, P05 103, Q1 196, Q2 305, Q3 440, P95 699,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river10_name String Neretva
attribute NC_GLOBAL river10_position String 43.019600,17.432500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river11_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river11_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river11_distribution String Avg 93, P05 39.0, Q1 57, Q2 80, Q3 117, P95 195,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river11_name String Cetina
attribute NC_GLOBAL river11_position String 43.433900,16.680500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river12_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river12_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river12_distribution String Avg 1.7, P05 0.3, Q1 0.8, Q2 1.4, Q3 2.4, P95 4.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river12_name String Zrnovnica
attribute NC_GLOBAL river12_position String 43.490700,16.501300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river13_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river13_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river13_distribution String Avg 3.7, P05 0.9, Q1 1.9, Q2 2.9, Q3 5.0, P95 9.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river13_name String Jadro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river13_position String 43.535600,16.506300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river14_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river14_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river14_distribution String Avg 10.4, P05 2.8, Q1 5.1, Q2 8.6, Q3 13.5, P95 24.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river14_name String Morinje
attribute NC_GLOBAL river14_position String 43.662800,15.899800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river15_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river15_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river15_distribution String Avg 48.3, P05 12.5, Q1 24.9, Q2 40.8, Q3 64, P95 106,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river15_name String Krka
attribute NC_GLOBAL river15_position String 43.711200,15.842600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river16_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river16_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river16_distribution String Avg 25.8, P05 6.1, Q1 13.0, Q2 20.9, Q3 36.3, P95 61,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river16_name String Zrmanja
attribute NC_GLOBAL river16_position String 44.222900,15.581700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river17_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river17_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river17_distribution String Avg 2.4, P05 0.7, Q1 1.2, Q2 2.0, Q3 3.2, P95 5.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river17_name String Dubracina
attribute NC_GLOBAL river17_position String 45.168700,14.721400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river18_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river18_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river18_distribution String Avg 11.0, P05 3.0, Q1 6.0, Q2 9.6, Q3 14.6, P95 23.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river18_name String Rjecina
attribute NC_GLOBAL river18_position String 45.314700,14.478600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river19_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river19_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river19_distribution String Avg 9.6, P05 2.6, Q1 4.8, Q2 8.2, Q3 13.0, P95 21.3,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river19_name String Rasa
attribute NC_GLOBAL river19_position String 45.015300,14.073900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river20_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river20_country String Croatia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river20_distribution String Avg 12.0, P05 4.0, Q1 6.6, Q2 10.2, Q3 16.0, P95 26.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river20_name String Mirna
attribute NC_GLOBAL river20_position String 45.303800,13.585100
attribute NC_GLOBAL river21_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river21_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river21_distribution String Avg 45.2, P05 14.8, Q1 25.0, Q2 39.8, Q3 59, P95 92,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river21_name String Timavo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river21_position String 45.800800,13.553400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river22_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river22_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river22_distribution String Avg 175, P05 53, Q1 97, Q2 160, Q3 229, P95 379,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river22_name String Isonzo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river22_position String 45.758000,13.486400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river23_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river23_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river23_distribution String Avg 1.1, P05 0.2, Q1 0.5, Q2 0.8, Q3 1.4, P95 2.8,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river23_name String Bocca di Primero
attribute NC_GLOBAL river23_position String 45.713000,13.483500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river24_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river24_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river24_distribution String Avg 0.6, P05 0.1, Q1 0.3, Q2 0.4, Q3 0.8, P95 1.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river24_name String La Fosa
attribute NC_GLOBAL river24_position String 45.672100,13.352600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river25_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river25_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river25_distribution String Avg 0.5, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.4, Q3 0.7, P95 1.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river25_name String Canale di Morgo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river25_position String 45.719100,13.291300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river26_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river26_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river26_distribution String Avg 0.5, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.4, Q3 0.7, P95 1.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river26_name String Porto Buso
attribute NC_GLOBAL river26_position String 45.721100,13.227200
attribute NC_GLOBAL river27_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river27_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river27_distribution String Avg 7.7, P05 1.7, Q1 3.6, Q2 6.4, Q3 10.3, P95 18.6,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river27_name String Zellina
attribute NC_GLOBAL river27_position String 45.766100,13.229900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river28_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river28_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river28_distribution String Avg 21.8, P05 4.9, Q1 10.3, Q2 18.0, Q3 29.4, P95 50,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river28_name String Porto Lignano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river28_position String 45.724900,13.099000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river29_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river29_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river29_distribution String Avg 107, P05 38.9, Q1 60, Q2 93, Q3 140, P95 218,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river29_name String Tagliamento
attribute NC_GLOBAL river29_position String 45.634900,13.093900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river30_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river30_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river30_distribution String Avg 1.1, P05 0.0, Q1 0.3, Q2 0.7, Q3 1.5, P95 3.3,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river30_name String Canale dei Lovi
attribute NC_GLOBAL river30_position String 45.638600,12.965900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river31_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river31_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river31_distribution String Avg 11.0, P05 2.0, Q1 4.6, Q2 8.4, Q3 14.7, P95 31.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river31_name String Canale Nicessolo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river31_position String 45.595300,12.899500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river32_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river32_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river32_distribution String Avg 74, P05 22.9, Q1 39.0, Q2 60, Q3 97, P95 163,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river32_name String Livenza
attribute NC_GLOBAL river32_position String 45.597100,12.835600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river33_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river33_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river33_distribution String Avg 116, P05 49.8, Q1 70, Q2 97, Q3 144, P95 237,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river33_name String Piave
attribute NC_GLOBAL river33_position String 45.510400,12.703200
attribute NC_GLOBAL river34_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river34_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river34_distribution String Avg 0.4, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.3, Q3 0.5, P95 1.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river34_name String Sile
attribute NC_GLOBAL river34_position String 45.468600,12.573400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river35_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river35_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river35_distribution String Avg 0.3, P05 0.1, Q1 0.1, Q2 0.2, Q3 0.5, P95 1.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river35_name String Porto di Lido
attribute NC_GLOBAL river35_position String 45.426600,12.443800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river36_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river36_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river36_distribution String Avg 0.4, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.3, Q3 0.6, P95 1.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river36_name String San Sèrvolo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river36_position String 45.428000,12.380000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river37_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river37_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river37_distribution String Avg 0.4, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.3, Q3 0.6, P95 1.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river37_name String Poveglia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river37_position String 45.384400,12.314300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river38_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river38_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river38_distribution String Avg 0.4, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.3, Q3 0.5, P95 1.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river38_name String Porto di Malamocco
attribute NC_GLOBAL river38_position String 45.339400,12.312400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river39_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river39_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river39_distribution String Avg 0.4, P05 0.1, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.3, Q3 0.6, P95 1.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river39_name String Porto di Chioggia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river39_position String 45.249300,12.308700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river40_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river40_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river40_distribution String Avg 48.0, P05 14.5, Q1 24.5, Q2 40.2, Q3 61, P95 105,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river40_name String Brenta
attribute NC_GLOBAL river40_position String 45.207000,12.179800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river41_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river41_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river41_distribution String Avg 223, P05 120, Q1 161, Q2 198, Q3 271, P95 393,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river41_name String Adige
attribute NC_GLOBAL river41_position String 45.159200,12.304900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_distribution String Avg 25.6, P05 7.9, Q1 13.5, Q2 20.1, Q3 33.4, P95 58,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_name String Po di Levante
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_position String 45.067700,12.364600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river42_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_distribution String Avg 64, P05 28.6, Q1 42.6, Q2 57, Q3 80, P95 121,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_name String Po di Maistra
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_position String 45.021200,12.426000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river43_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_distribution String Avg 153, P05 68, Q1 101, Q2 136, Q3 192, P95 289,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_name String Po di Tramontana
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_position String 45.019800,12.489300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river44_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_distribution String Avg 432, P05 191, Q1 285, Q2 384, Q3 540, P95 814,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_name String Po di Dritta
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_position String 44.974700,12.487300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river45_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_distribution String Avg 44.5, P05 19.7, Q1 29.4, Q2 39.6, Q3 55, P95 83,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_name String Po di Scirocco
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_position String 44.928200,12.548400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river46_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_distribution String Avg 88, P05 39.4, Q1 58, Q2 79, Q3 111, P95 167,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_name String Po di Bonifazi
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_position String 44.929700,12.485300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river47_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_distribution String Avg 60, P05 26.7, Q1 39.8, Q2 53, Q3 75, P95 113,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_name String Po di Bastimento
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_position String 44.884600,12.483300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river48_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_distribution String Avg 219, P05 97, Q1 144, Q2 195, Q3 274, P95 414,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_name String Po di Tolle
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_position String 44.839600,12.481300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river49_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_distribution String Avg 228, P05 101, Q1 150, Q2 203, Q3 285, P95 430,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_name String Po di Gnocca
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_position String 44.841100,12.418200
attribute NC_GLOBAL river50_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_distribution String Avg 143, P05 63, Q1 94, Q2 127, Q3 179, P95 270,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_name String Po di Goro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_position String 44.797500,12.353200
attribute NC_GLOBAL river51_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_distribution String Avg 8.2, P05 2.2, Q1 3.5, Q2 5.6, Q3 10.1, P95 20.8,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_name String Po di Volano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_position String 44.798900,12.290100
attribute NC_GLOBAL river52_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_distribution String Avg 79, P05 26.1, Q1 43.6, Q2 64, Q3 105, P95 183,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_name String Reno
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_position String 44.573600,12.281000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river53_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_distribution String Avg 13.3, P05 4.9, Q1 7.2, Q2 11.2, Q3 17.4, P95 29.8,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_name String Lamone
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_position String 44.483400,12.277300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river54_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_distribution String Avg 23.1, P05 8.1, Q1 13.2, Q2 19.9, Q3 29.3, P95 51,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_name String Fiumi Uniti
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_position String 44.391900,12.336300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river55_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_distribution String Avg 2.4, P05 0.5, Q1 1.1, Q2 1.7, Q3 3.2, P95 6.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_name String Bevano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_position String 44.346900,12.334500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river56_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_distribution String Avg 12.9, P05 4.3, Q1 7.1, Q2 10.6, Q3 16.7, P95 30.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_name String Savio
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_position String 44.301800,12.332600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river57_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_distribution String Avg 5.2, P05 1.7, Q1 2.6, Q2 4.0, Q3 6.4, P95 13.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_name String Rubicone
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_position String 44.163700,12.451800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river58_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_distribution String Avg 2.5, P05 0.8, Q1 1.3, Q2 1.9, Q3 3.1, P95 6.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_name String Uso
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_position String 44.118600,12.449900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river59_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_distribution String Avg 12.5, P05 3.9, Q1 6.6, Q2 10.2, Q3 15.8, P95 28.3,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_name String Marecchia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_position String 44.070600,12.572500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river60_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_distribution String Avg 1.6, P05 0.5, Q1 0.8, Q2 1.2, Q3 2.0, P95 4.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_name String Marano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_position String 44.023900,12.632600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river61_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_basin String SNAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_distribution String Avg 3.7, P05 1.2, Q1 2.0, Q2 2.9, Q3 4.7, P95 9.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_name String Melo
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_position String 43.977200,12.692700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river62_subbasin String PA3
attribute NC_GLOBAL river63_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river63_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river63_distribution String Avg 9.7, P05 3.3, Q1 5.5, Q2 8.0, Q3 12.2, P95 21.6,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river63_name String Foglia
attribute NC_GLOBAL river63_position String 43.927200,12.876900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river64_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river64_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river64_distribution String Avg 26.1, P05 8.8, Q1 15.3, Q2 22.2, Q3 33.3, P95 56,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river64_name String Metauro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river64_position String 43.831700,13.058300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river65_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river65_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river65_distribution String Avg 11.6, P05 3.9, Q1 6.5, Q2 9.8, Q3 14.3, P95 26.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river65_name String Cesano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river65_position String 43.737800,13.177300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river66_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river66_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river66_distribution String Avg 4.3, P05 1.4, Q1 2.4, Q2 3.5, Q3 5.2, P95 10.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river66_name String Misa
attribute NC_GLOBAL river66_position String 43.690800,13.236700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river67_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river67_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river67_distribution String Avg 12.2, P05 4.2, Q1 6.7, Q2 10.0, Q3 14.7, P95 27.9,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river67_name String Esino
attribute NC_GLOBAL river67_position String 43.641800,13.357700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river68_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river68_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river68_distribution String Avg 7.1, P05 2.6, Q1 3.9, Q2 5.4, Q3 8.6, P95 17.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river68_name String Musone
attribute NC_GLOBAL river68_position String 43.496000,13.658000
attribute NC_GLOBAL river69_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river69_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river69_distribution String Avg 9.2, P05 3.5, Q1 5.4, Q2 7.5, Q3 11.0, P95 20.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river69_name String Potenza
attribute NC_GLOBAL river69_position String 43.405900,13.652300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river70_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river70_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river70_distribution String Avg 14.0, P05 5.5, Q1 8.2, Q2 11.5, Q3 17.1, P95 32.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river70_name String Chienti
attribute NC_GLOBAL river70_position String 43.311300,13.769500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river71_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river71_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river71_distribution String Avg 5.6, P05 1.9, Q1 3.2, Q2 4.2, Q3 7.1, P95 13.0,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river71_name String Tena
attribute NC_GLOBAL river71_position String 43.221200,13.763800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river72_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river72_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river72_distribution String Avg 0.5, P05 0.2, Q1 0.2, Q2 0.4, Q3 0.6, P95 1.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river72_name String Albula
attribute NC_GLOBAL river72_position String 42.946200,13.868600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river73_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river73_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river73_distribution String Avg 12.2, P05 3.3, Q1 6.8, Q2 10.2, Q3 14.9, P95 27.4,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river73_name String Tronto
attribute NC_GLOBAL river73_position String 42.898800,13.926600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river74_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river74_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river74_distribution String Avg 0.8, P05 0.2, Q1 0.4, Q2 0.5, Q3 1.0, P95 2.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river74_name String Vibrata
attribute NC_GLOBAL river74_position String 42.853700,13.923700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river75_basin String NAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river75_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river75_distribution String Avg 7.2, P05 2.2, Q1 3.8, Q2 5.8, Q3 9.5, P95 17.6,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river75_name String Tordino
attribute NC_GLOBAL river75_position String 42.761200,13.978600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river76_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river76_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river76_distribution String Avg 8.6, P05 2.8, Q1 5.0, Q2 7.2, Q3 11.4, P95 18.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river76_name String Vomano
attribute NC_GLOBAL river76_position String 42.668600,14.033300
attribute NC_GLOBAL river77_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river77_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river77_distribution String Avg 8.0, P05 2.6, Q1 4.0, Q2 6.1, Q3 10.2, P95 21.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river77_name String Saline
attribute NC_GLOBAL river77_position String 42.528500,14.145400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river78_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river78_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river78_distribution String Avg 33.2, P05 11.8, Q1 18.6, Q2 26.4, Q3 43.7, P95 71,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river78_name String Pescara
attribute NC_GLOBAL river78_position String 42.480900,14.202800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river79_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river79_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river79_distribution String Avg 17.4, P05 8.6, Q1 11.4, Q2 15.0, Q3 21.4, P95 33.3,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river79_name String Sangro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river79_position String 42.239800,14.548900
attribute NC_GLOBAL river80_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river80_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river80_distribution String Avg 7.3, P05 2.9, Q1 4.3, Q2 6.1, Q3 8.9, P95 15.8,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river80_name String Trigno
attribute NC_GLOBAL river80_position String 42.048300,14.775800
attribute NC_GLOBAL river81_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river81_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river81_distribution String Avg 8.3, P05 2.6, Q1 4.6, Q2 6.6, Q3 10.5, P95 18.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river81_name String Biferno
attribute NC_GLOBAL river81_position String 41.991600,15.012400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river82_basin String CAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river82_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river82_distribution String Avg 8.4, P05 3.9, Q1 4.8, Q2 6.7, Q3 10.4, P95 18.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river82_name String Fortore
attribute NC_GLOBAL river82_position String 41.931100,15.308600
attribute NC_GLOBAL river83_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river83_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river83_distribution String Avg 10.3, P05 3.9, Q1 6.0, Q2 8.3, Q3 12.2, P95 23.2,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river83_name String Candelaro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river83_position String 41.582300,15.877500
attribute NC_GLOBAL river84_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river84_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river84_distribution String Avg 4.2, P05 1.6, Q1 2.4, Q2 3.5, Q3 5.0, P95 9.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river84_name String Cervaro
attribute NC_GLOBAL river84_position String 41.533700,15.932700
attribute NC_GLOBAL river85_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river85_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river85_distribution String Avg 4.9, P05 1.9, Q1 2.8, Q2 3.9, Q3 5.7, P95 11.1,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river85_name String Carapelle
attribute NC_GLOBAL river85_position String 41.488700,15.928400
attribute NC_GLOBAL river86_basin String SAd
attribute NC_GLOBAL river86_country String Italy
attribute NC_GLOBAL river86_distribution String Avg 15.5, P05 7.1, Q1 9.7, Q2 13.0, Q3 18.2, P95 32.5,
attribute NC_GLOBAL river86_name String Ofanto
attribute NC_GLOBAL river86_position String 41.380500,16.216800
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 40.6354
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String time, longitude, latitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String AdriaClim Indicators | RD and MH | RD-2 Mean River Discharge (EFAS, P05, 1991-2020)
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 1991-12-15
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 1991-01-15
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String AdriaClim Indicators | RD and MH | RD-2 Mean River Discharge (EFAS, P05, 1991-2020)
attribute NC_GLOBAL units String m3.s-1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 12.1798
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 6.638976E8, 6.927552E8
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Date
attribute time source_name String Date
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01-01
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 40.6354, 45.8008
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float 12.1798, 19.5689
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable RD2_P05   float  
attribute RD2_P05 actual_range float 0.0, 2743.16
attribute RD2_P05 ioos_category String Unknown
attribute RD2_P05 long_name String RD2-P05

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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